History of The Kyle Lake Foundation

The Kyle Lake Foundation was established with its 501(c)(3) designation in March 2007 in memory of the former pastor of a Church in Waco, Texas. The author of two books, Understanding God’s Will and (RE)Understanding Prayer, Lake impacted thousands for Christ with his Christ-centered life, contagious personality and effective communication style.

Kyle was electrocuted on October 30, 2005 before 800 worshippers while preparing to baptize a former Baylor University student. The Lake family seeks to continue the focus of Kyle’s ministry, which is making the presence and message of Christ both real and meaningful to an ever-changing world, through the foundation that bears Kyle’s name.

Mission Statement

The Kyle Lake Foundation exists to assist Christians and Christian churches to be better equipped for making the presence and message of Christ both real and meaningful in an ever-changing world.

Statement of Beliefs

What We Believe

We believe these statements to be truths which God has revealed to mankind so that man may know God

The Bible

We believe the 66 books, which compose the canon of Holy Scripture, were written by men who were inspired by God for that purpose. The Bible is infallible and without error. It reveals God’s character, His salvation for mankind, the principles by which God directs men to live, and is the sole authority of our faith and practice.


We believe God created mankind, both male and female, in His perfect image. From Adam, mankind fell into sin, resulting in a sinful nature, totally depraved and utterly helpless apart from the grace of God. Sin created the barrier that separates mankind from God, but does not prevent God from offering salvation through His son, Jesus Christ.


We believe salvation is found in Jesus Christ alone and is a redemptive process wholly of God, in which believers participate solely on the basis of His grace through their faith in Jesus.

The Holy Spirit

We believe the Holy Spirit permanently indwells all believers, fulfilling His regenerating work of the new birth unto eternal life.

The Presentation of the Gospel

As the world is ever changing, we believe that Christians must find new ways to convey the love of God without diluting the non-changing truths found in the Word of God.


We believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth and of all things visible and invisible. He is the Source and Originator of all truth, beauty, holiness and goodness.


Marriage is sanctioned by God, which joins one man and one woman in a single, exclusive, covenant relationship, as delineated in Scripture and that God intends sexual intimacy to only occur between a man and a woman who are married to each other.

Jesus Christ

We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.

The Gospel

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the “good news” we proclaim. It answers the brokenness caused by sin with unlimited love, complete forgiveness and restoration to the Father. By this Gospel we are born into a new spiritual life, identified with Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit and called to missional living for the glory of God.

The Kyle Lake Foundation


David Lake

Shirley Lake

Jona Lake

Kristi Lake Fuller

Jen Lake

Tracey Kelley Neal

Steve Dement

Dick Ellis

Art Hadden

Doug McNamee

Jim Rex

Deanna Sims

Tony Wommack